Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Session Notes

After being ambushed by some orcs in the dungeons beneath Xlarthen's tower, you're party continues to explore the tunnels...


Gygash Graves - deceased
Larton - short sword & leather HP: 6
Turwick - Flail & Chainmail  HP: 10
Biggs - Mercerary long sword chain & shield HP: 21
Kray Rouis - magic user HP: 4  (apprentice to Mystor. Spells: Magic Missile, Light, Sleep - only one spell known)

Monsters Killed:
6 Zombies 180 xp
8 Orcs: 120 xp

Total Monster XP each:  300 xp each

Treasure Recovered:
1 copper coin

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tonight's Background

After retreating back to the surface from your initial foray into the dungeons below you make camp in the snow dusted ruins of Xlarthan's Tower.  The night is cold and clear but in the early morning hours flurries begin and the snow slowly accumulates upon the bare trees and the ruined stone blocks.  Breakfast is quick and spartan as you prepare for this new day...


Monsters Killed:
Cave Bear: 600 xp
Ogre: 120 xp
13 White Apes: 1560 xp

Total Monster XP each:  2,280 xp each

Treasure Recovered:
800 gp

Treasure XP each: 160

Total XP each:  2,440 each