EIR'IAN: This land is situated between the southern Brythium Empire and the Kingdom of Avery and has been fought over by both lands for centuries. As the land has changed hands many times, influences of both kingdoms can be seen in the culture and customs of it's citizens and in the architecture of it's cities and ruins. The land is now independent and wild under influence of no one ruler or law.
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The Realm of Eir'ian |
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Caladan and the surrounding land including Harrowood and the Tower of Zenopus |
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Caladan |
KINGDOM OF AVERY: Kingdom of Avery was once the greatest kingdom in the Land, and was the ancestral enemy of Thak'Azul for a thousand years. But in recent history, the kingdom's borders and influence have withered leaving the the Kingdom of Avery in the Northern lands, and the loyal Duchy of Kurval and the scandalous Duchy of Alain. The most well known of the Kingdom of Avery towns are Avery and the slightly more wild coastal town of Morlais, a cosmopolitan civilization where priests debate warlocks in the taverns, wealthy men plot the downfall of their enemies via demon assassins, esoteric educations are available for those with ways and means, insect warriors walk side by side with half-orc bards, and the populace is all but immune to the general weirdness that surrounds their daily lives.
MEADOW LANDS: A relatively safe part of the Land, the Meadow Lands are home to the hobbits and gnomes, as well as to at least one clan of dwarves who got tired of being cooped up in a mountain. On the fringes of the Meadow Lands lurk tribes of small, murky-minded humanoids such as yappy kobolds and mean-spirited goblins. The humanoids have learned not to attack the hobbits and gnomes openly, but may skulk through the night on missions of spite and petty revenge.
NORTHERN WASTES: Jagged peaks and forbidding slopes of icy death make the Northern Wastes an inhospitable place, but there are several cultures that call it home. Fierce Viking tribes live in the valleys and in the shadow of the mountains, and are loathe to allow visitors into their communities (unless convinced by the promise of hard drink and the trading of good weapons). Ice rats, a particularly tough form of kobold, make their lairs within the mountains as well. Deep within the caverns below the mountain range are dwarf clans who want nothing to do with the world outside of their holds. Primitive tribes of ogres and bugbears also abound. And in the highest and most dangerous peaks, unwary travelers are likely to find wild packs of howling yeti, the most dangerous of the Northern Wastes predators.
THE SEA OF THE BLUE ROSE: Separating the lands of Kingdom of Avery from the desert, The Sea of the Blue Rose. In days past, both Thak'Azulites and the folk of the Kingdom of Avery sailed the waters committing acts of piracy against each other. Somewhere in the sea, never in the same location twice, can be found Isle of the Sage. Upon the tiny island is an austere black tower known to be haunted and cursed. There is no known account of anybody entering the tower of Isle of the Sage and returning to tell the tale.
GRIMMWOOD: Grimmwood generally regarded as a place of dread by the civilized folk of the land of Eirian, is home to many exceptionally rare and dangerous creatures. More than once trolls have come ambling out of the forest to attack nearby farms. At least one chimera has been sighted here as well. The descendents of Dark Elves, a tribe of elves who went rogue from their highly striated society ages ago, live in Grimmwood and have made it their hunting ground.
SOUTHERN JUNGLE: A seething ecosystem that has little to do with the rest of the world, the Southern Jungle is home to warring tribes of savage and superstitious warriors who know that Death can come at any second. Tribes of pygmies hire themselves out as assassins and poison workers. Great beasts such as jaguars, gorillas, and elephants can cause terror to natives and foreigners alike. The tribes are ruled by a sinister Death Cult, the leaders of which keeps the tribal folk in their thrall with threats of releasing the vengeful wraiths of the spirit world upon blasphemers.
THE DESERT OF THAK'AZUL: Consisting of roughly eight or nine cities all paying homage to the Grand Caliph, the Desert Kingdoms of Thak'Azul are a hotbed of intrigue where prosperous merchant houses, wicked nobles, and vagabonds of all stripe rub shoulders. In general, anything is for sale in Thak'Azul, including monstrous beasts and people. The slave market is one of their biggest draws. Two of the most infamous cities are shadowy Thumbra, home of the dreaded Assassin’s Guild, and Byrithium, the City of Brass rumored to have been built by the djinn in ancient times, where one can find the most beautiful courtesans in the known world.
AMAZONIA: The Motherland of the great Amazon nation, Amazonia is a large island some 200 miles off the Eastern shore of the continent. The citizens of Amazonia live in a military society ruled, without exception, by women. Men are expected to be submissive, care for the children, and make sure that dinner is on the table on time. The Amazons pride themselves on their military prowess, and their longboats patrol the waters around their island to ward off pirates and cultists, both of whom tend to give the Amazons a wide berth. They are loosely allied with the Lawful communities on the mainland, particularly when it is to their advantage.
PIRATE ISLES: Located west of Amazonia, the Pirates Isles consist of four small bodies of land that have become a haven for rogues and thieves of all stripe. Shanty towns of taverns, bordellos, gambling halls, and unscrupulous merchants abound. In the words of one knight, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” The Pirate Isles are far removed from any official law enforcement, and operates the largest black market to be found in the world. The pirates ply their trade on the shipping lanes between the mainland and Amazonia, and woe to any foolish mariner who seeks to travel to the Isles to reclaim his stolen cargo.
DAGON’S ISLAND: A distant journey by water East of Amazonia is Dagon’s Island, an inhospitable hunk of rock honeycombed with underground caves and labyrinths. This is the home of the Cult of Dagon, a murderous aquatic god from the Black Pantheon who cares little for humankind except as a ready source for food and sacrifice. The Citadel of Dagon looms over the barren landscape, protected by hordes of were-sharks, and frogmen with armaments of bronze. It is considered taboo for any non-Dagonite to set foot upon the shore, and any sailors captured thusly may be promised a slow, painful death in a manner too gruesome to describe here.
TURRUSK: Nomadic tribes of wild-men and primitive folk.
KAHATI: An independent and proud nation of people who are known for their horsemanship and archery skills. Independent clans united under the rule of a supreme Kahn have been expanding their influences south challenging the borders of the Brythium Empire.
THE FAR REACHES: Beyond Dagon's Island are the Far Reaches, an expanse of ocean that has been unexplored and uncharted mostly due to the mysteries of superstitions of the deep. Some say the sea is endless and travelers get lost never to return. Others say a fabled land lies across the distant ocean inhabited by a fantastic civilization.
Gods of the Realm
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