Monday, March 30, 2015

Tonight's Background

After finding safe haven in the chambers of Klorbag the highly intelligent mutant white ape and learning that you were on level 4 of the dungeon and that the Hobgoblin lair and possibly Fumark were on the level above you, you ascended to level 3 and began hacking your way through Hobgoblin filled chambers.

You still have Cray Ruis and Biggs with you.  Cray has used up his 1 sleep spell but has one left (he is now 2nd level) still has a scroll of Charm Person.  Puma the Mountain Lion is dead.

It is now the 14 day of the Month of the Toad.

Monsters Killed last session:
3 Mummies: 1800 xp
12 Hobgoblins: 180xp
1 Grey Ooze: 240 xp

Total Monster XP: 2,220 each

Treasure recovered:
I don't have any recorded treasure.

NOTE:  We're going to hand out XP first thing tonight.  We've gone 5 sessions and it's getting to be an unwieldy number with one PC killed and a couple of players missing a session or two.  We'll figure Monster XP now and divide up treasure XP when you do finally leave the dungeon.
We'll also consider Klorbag's lair a sanctuary where you can recover safely.
Torion Fulvousmith - 3,690 XP
Minimus - 5,975 XP
Su - 5,975 XP
Thenus - 5,975 XP
Wang Du - 5,975 XP
Centari - 2,870

Hirelings and Henchmen
Biggs - Mercenary - Now Level 4 fighter
Kray Rouis - Magic-user - Now level 2 Magic-user
Treasure XP will be figured when back in town.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tonight's Background

You had just come face to face with the slain Dragon Medora's brood, Gramath and Hegina and told them about their mother's death at the hands of Fumark the foul.  So, at the moment, there are essentially three things you are seeking in the dungeons:
  1. Vershur Boomish's family shield which he believes to be somewhere in the dungeons below Xlarthen's tower.
  2. Torion is looking for the Halfling Skwanky Furrytoe
  3. You are looking for Fumark for the dragons Gramath and Hegina.
You are also carrying around 338 pounds of treasure coins that need to be distributed around.  Basically I'm looking for a quick encumbrance check to find the party's movement rate.

You have also been traveling 6 hours of game time since your last 'rest' so you'll get another two hours of game time before you need to rest for 8 hours. 

Oh and just for grins, the Dragon Hall: