The evening that your companions, Slick Vinny, Tibag, Gnarly, Skwanky and Maudlin took it upon themselves to delve beneath the ruined tower of Zenopus on their own, the city of Caladan was attacked from the sea by an alliance of Pirates and soldiers from the southern Empire.
The city of Caladan quickly fell to these marauders. The Merchant Guild was disbanded, a new lord was put in their place.
Six months have passed since the invasion and things in Caladan have somewhat returned to normal. However, the nearby lands around the port city have changed as dark things have begun to lurk around the forests and roads and the townsfolk are fearful of traveling at night for rumors of a mysterious woman who haunts the streets of Caladan and the surrounding woods.
This is a blog that records notes for our Swords & Wizardry Campaign so that I can remember what the flip is going on!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Lost Adventurers Notes
kill list:
12 zombies 360xp
1 Owl Bear 240 xp
3 Giant Ants 350xp
1 Troll 800xp
5 Gelatinous Cubes 1200xp
1 crocodile 30xp
Total Monster xp 2,980
Gold Crown (from 'lich') 175gp
108gp Bugbears
53 sp bugbears
Incomplete set of Electrum chess pieces for halflings. Could be worth lots and lots of $$$ if the full set can be found.
20 pure copper ingots 5gp each (100gp)
Diamond Bracelet 500gp
Small iron kettle with 392gp
6,300 Electrum pieces (3,150gp)
Total treasure weight: approx 700lbs
Approx treasure xp: 4,425
Total experience in the running so far: 7,405
One-eyed Jones (Pirate charmed by Vinny)
Henry (pirate)
4 pirate goons left
Slick Vinny
PC Deaths:
22 hours
kill list:
12 zombies 360xp
1 Owl Bear 240 xp
3 Giant Ants 350xp
1 Troll 800xp
5 Gelatinous Cubes 1200xp
1 crocodile 30xp
Total Monster xp 2,980
Gold Crown (from 'lich') 175gp
108gp Bugbears
53 sp bugbears
Incomplete set of Electrum chess pieces for halflings. Could be worth lots and lots of $$$ if the full set can be found.
20 pure copper ingots 5gp each (100gp)
Diamond Bracelet 500gp
Small iron kettle with 392gp
6,300 Electrum pieces (3,150gp)
Total treasure weight: approx 700lbs
Approx treasure xp: 4,425
Total experience in the running so far: 7,405
One-eyed Jones (Pirate charmed by Vinny)
Henry (pirate)
4 pirate goons left
Slick Vinny
PC Deaths:
22 hours
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Explored Areas
Here's the official hex map of the areas that have been explored. Each hex is 2 miles. What is exposed is where you have explored and passed through and what you may be able to see in the distance (mountains, sea, etc).

A couple points of interest:
0705 (west) - Tomb of the Iron God
0806 (west) - Brakken
0104 - The Pig Witch's pig farm
0308 - The Three Sisters of the Sea
0403 - Temple of Ris'Tari (Crimson Skull adventure)
0503 - Gnarly's Cave
0906 - Caladan
0907 - The Moon Tower
As more areas are explored they will be revealed on this map.
Though you have 'hand-drawn' maps of the lands of Er'ian, the hex maps will be used for me to track time and movement in the wilderness.

A couple points of interest:
0705 (west) - Tomb of the Iron God
0806 (west) - Brakken
0104 - The Pig Witch's pig farm
0308 - The Three Sisters of the Sea
0403 - Temple of Ris'Tari (Crimson Skull adventure)
0503 - Gnarly's Cave
0906 - Caladan
0907 - The Moon Tower
As more areas are explored they will be revealed on this map.
Though you have 'hand-drawn' maps of the lands of Er'ian, the hex maps will be used for me to track time and movement in the wilderness.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Summary of a Wizard and His Spells
There has been some confusion on the acquisition of spells for the magic-user so I'm going to try to clarify the mechanics here. A Magic-user uses his intelligence to master and control the dark arts, thus his INT is the Primary Attribute. A Magic-user has a minimum and a maximum number of spells he can know based on his intelligence.
When a Magic-user obtains a new level, he can go through that level of spells and try to learn to use those spells. He rolls through the list of spells until he gains his minimum number of spells. He can add those spells into his spell book. Any additional spells that he want to learn and use he needs to find them from other Magic tomes up to his Maximum spells known per level.
When a MU finds a spell that he would like to add into his spellbook he needs to see if he can 'know' it. Knowing a spell is a percentage roll based on INT. If the roll is successful, the MU can know that spell and add it to his spell book for future use.
The cost and time for adding a spell to a spellbook is as follows:
Magic-users may make a scroll of a spell they already 'know' (have in their spellbook) at a cost of 100 gp and 1 week's work for each spell level. The gold spent in this process counts towards experience. If he fails the roll to know the spell then he cannot add it to his spell book until he gains a new level and can attempt to lean the spell once again.
A magic-user cannot have more spells per level in his spellbook than is his Maximum number of spells. This too is based on intelligence.
Spells are very complicated mystic formulas and it takes a lot of intelligence to understand and harness this knowledge. The MU's brain can only hold so much knowledge, the higher INT the more knowledge he can hold.
Using Spells

When a MU finds a spell that he would like to add into his spellbook he needs to see if he can 'know' it. Knowing a spell is a percentage roll based on INT. If the roll is successful, the MU can know that spell and add it to his spell book for future use.
The cost and time for adding a spell to a spellbook is as follows:
Cost: 20-50gp for ink, which lasts for 2-4 spellsCreating Scrolls
Time: one hour per spell level
Magic-users may make a scroll of a spell they already 'know' (have in their spellbook) at a cost of 100 gp and 1 week's work for each spell level. The gold spent in this process counts towards experience. If he fails the roll to know the spell then he cannot add it to his spell book until he gains a new level and can attempt to lean the spell once again.
A magic-user cannot have more spells per level in his spellbook than is his Maximum number of spells. This too is based on intelligence.
Spells are very complicated mystic formulas and it takes a lot of intelligence to understand and harness this knowledge. The MU's brain can only hold so much knowledge, the higher INT the more knowledge he can hold.
Using Spells
- A Magic-user needs to memorize spells that he wants to cast.
- Once cast he forgets that spell and he needs to memorize it again.
- Memorizing takes time and rest.
- The only spells that he can memorize are the ones in his spell-book.
- The only spells that he can put into his spellbook are spells that he can know.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Southern Road
Ptholomus the grain merchant packed up his cart and with his wife Julia, daughter Maggie, his nephew Boris and his wife Agatha along with two hired men at arms rolled through the south gate of Caladan. The gate-guard waved them down.
"Hail, merchant," he said. "Where thou may be headed this fine day?"
"Why we are headed to the town of Braken to sell our wares to the fishermen," replied Ptholomus.
"Ah, that is well," said the guard. "But travel with haste and caution for I hear tales of mischief in the woods along the Great South Road."
"We too have heard the talk, that is why we hired these two veterans here."
The guard look over the two burly warriors sitting in the back of the cart.
"Very well, then," said the guard. "Safe travels to you."
And the merchant road off down the Great South Road towards Braken.
Though the winter was long and dark and the night of the Black Sabbath especially eerie, the hint of spring in the air was enough to give anyone hope. Even the hired men cajoled with their employer.
Their journey was slow and by mid-day they were well away from Caladan and the new Moon-Tower and were soon surrounded by the thick woods with bright green buds, chirping birds, and pretty white flowers.
Ptholomus brought the cart to a halt for standing in the middle of the road with is back turned was a ragged soul.
"I say," shouted the merchant. "You are blocking the road and we would like to pass."
The ragged figure just stood there without heed.
"Are you a hungry traveler? Perhaps we can offer you some food?" again the merchant shouted but no answer was given.
The two hired men-at-arms looked at each other. The smaller one hopped off the cart and, with is hand on the hilt of his sword, approached the figure standing in the middle of the road.
"Are you without hearing, friend?" the guard said. "We need to pass."
Still no answer. The guard looked back to his companions then to the sides into the trees suspecting a trap. He drew his sword fully and approached the man.
"Come now, do not be insolent," said the guard as he placed his hand upon the shoulder of this haggard man, though man he wasn't. The figure quickly turned around and his face was a decayed mask of death! This fiend raised it's clawed hand and brought it down across the neck of the hired-hand severing his jugular. Blood flowed freely as the guard spun around and fell to the ground dead.
Ptholomus and his family gapped in shock at the violence before them. Maggie screamed and covered her face. The remaining hired man leaped from the cart with his sword drawn and charged towards the ghoulish fiend who just stood there with dripping claws and unholy grin. Suddenly, from the trees on either side of the road rushed a hoard of these ghastly creatures. The warrior was overwhelmed and taken to the ground before he could even raise his weapon. The cart and it's occupants were covered with these undead horrors. The sound of rending flesh and bone filled the quite springtime afternoon.
Suddenly from the forest, a voice called out. "Cease!"
The beasts froze in their slaughter and looked up as a dark robed figure stepped out of the forest with a mailed arm raised.
"Kill their bodies but do not consume them," said the voice. "Let them swell our ranks.
He reached out a mailed arm to pet the greasy head of a beast. "Worry not for there will be plenty of flesh to fill your ever hollow souls soon enough as has been foretold to me when I had bestowed onto Her my gift. For, lo, Caladan's doom and all of Eri'an's is nigh!"
"Hail, merchant," he said. "Where thou may be headed this fine day?"
"Why we are headed to the town of Braken to sell our wares to the fishermen," replied Ptholomus.
"Ah, that is well," said the guard. "But travel with haste and caution for I hear tales of mischief in the woods along the Great South Road."
"We too have heard the talk, that is why we hired these two veterans here."
The guard look over the two burly warriors sitting in the back of the cart.
"Very well, then," said the guard. "Safe travels to you."
And the merchant road off down the Great South Road towards Braken.
Though the winter was long and dark and the night of the Black Sabbath especially eerie, the hint of spring in the air was enough to give anyone hope. Even the hired men cajoled with their employer.
Their journey was slow and by mid-day they were well away from Caladan and the new Moon-Tower and were soon surrounded by the thick woods with bright green buds, chirping birds, and pretty white flowers.
Ptholomus brought the cart to a halt for standing in the middle of the road with is back turned was a ragged soul.
"I say," shouted the merchant. "You are blocking the road and we would like to pass."
The ragged figure just stood there without heed.
"Are you a hungry traveler? Perhaps we can offer you some food?" again the merchant shouted but no answer was given.
The two hired men-at-arms looked at each other. The smaller one hopped off the cart and, with is hand on the hilt of his sword, approached the figure standing in the middle of the road.
"Are you without hearing, friend?" the guard said. "We need to pass."
Still no answer. The guard looked back to his companions then to the sides into the trees suspecting a trap. He drew his sword fully and approached the man.
"Come now, do not be insolent," said the guard as he placed his hand upon the shoulder of this haggard man, though man he wasn't. The figure quickly turned around and his face was a decayed mask of death! This fiend raised it's clawed hand and brought it down across the neck of the hired-hand severing his jugular. Blood flowed freely as the guard spun around and fell to the ground dead.
Ptholomus and his family gapped in shock at the violence before them. Maggie screamed and covered her face. The remaining hired man leaped from the cart with his sword drawn and charged towards the ghoulish fiend who just stood there with dripping claws and unholy grin. Suddenly, from the trees on either side of the road rushed a hoard of these ghastly creatures. The warrior was overwhelmed and taken to the ground before he could even raise his weapon. The cart and it's occupants were covered with these undead horrors. The sound of rending flesh and bone filled the quite springtime afternoon.
Suddenly from the forest, a voice called out. "Cease!"
The beasts froze in their slaughter and looked up as a dark robed figure stepped out of the forest with a mailed arm raised.
"Kill their bodies but do not consume them," said the voice. "Let them swell our ranks.
He reached out a mailed arm to pet the greasy head of a beast. "Worry not for there will be plenty of flesh to fill your ever hollow souls soon enough as has been foretold to me when I had bestowed onto Her my gift. For, lo, Caladan's doom and all of Eri'an's is nigh!"
Friday, February 4, 2011
A Farewell To Pigs
The old withered hag rolled her few belongings into her worn leather pack. The previous night's dream had disturbed her so that she felt she must take her chances in the wild and warn those involved.
"Besides," she thought to herself and smiled, "t'would be good to see how th' las is getting on."
She hoisted the pack upon her bent back and walked out the door of her tiny shack. The crone trudged through the snow to the pen where she kept her pigs.
"Farewell boys, don't cry fer your ol' mama." she laughed. "I'll be back an' I'll bring ya a present too."
Then she waved her hand over the pen and with closed eyes mumbled a few incantations. The little woman took one last look at her home and then, with the forest to the east, headed south through the snow towards the coast and the city of Caladan.
"Besides," she thought to herself and smiled, "t'would be good to see how th' las is getting on."
She hoisted the pack upon her bent back and walked out the door of her tiny shack. The crone trudged through the snow to the pen where she kept her pigs.
"Farewell boys, don't cry fer your ol' mama." she laughed. "I'll be back an' I'll bring ya a present too."
Then she waved her hand over the pen and with closed eyes mumbled a few incantations. The little woman took one last look at her home and then, with the forest to the east, headed south through the snow towards the coast and the city of Caladan.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Magical Items To Be Identified
Vial of cloudy potion
Ring (Gnarly)
Ring (Skwanky)
Cat's Eye Crystal
Amulet of Anu (in the Jewelery stash)
Identifying items cost 100gp (starting) and one week of research by magician.
Vinny can do the researching for no cost if he likes but it still will take a week per item + an INT roll.
Of course you can always just try on, drink, smoke, whatever.
If I'm missing anything, let me know.
Ring (Gnarly)
Ring (Skwanky)
Cat's Eye Crystal
Amulet of Anu (in the Jewelery stash)
Identifying items cost 100gp (starting) and one week of research by magician.
Vinny can do the researching for no cost if he likes but it still will take a week per item + an INT roll.
Of course you can always just try on, drink, smoke, whatever.
If I'm missing anything, let me know.
The Last Expedition's Haul
A very lucrative foray below the tower of Zenopus. Besides killing some mammoth monsters you dragged out quite a bit of treasure! Here's the totals for the entire expedition (last two sessions). Besides hauling up a nice couch, table & iron stand with gold sphere cage you got:
15,000 cp
5,000 sp
2500 ep
1250 gp
750 pp
Plate +1 (Adessa)
Chain +1 (human)
Leather +1 (Tibag)
+1 shield
+2 Shield (Adessa)
+2 Short Sword (Skwanky?)
+2 Long Sword
+1 Battle Axe
+1 Mace (Adessa)
Gloves of Ogre-power (Adessa)
1 Ring (Gnarly)
1 Giant Cat's Eye Crystal Sphere
Gems & Jewelry
6 @ 1000 gp
3@ 750 gp
4@ 500gp
12,095 gp
diamond tiara 800gp
Large emerald ring 200gp
Gold & Silver with gems headpiece 1500gp
pair of gold nipple rings 50gp
Decorative gold Armlets 600gp
Belly chain 20gp
Broach of aquatic creature 200gp
Amulet of Anu (magical) 1100gp
Silver Celibacy vow ring 20gp
Brooch of emerald beetle 800gp
Giant's cock ring - gold 1000 gp
Necklace 300gp
diamond encrusted nose ring 200gp
pair of silver sandals 400gp
Puzzle ring (magical??? figure the puzzle out) 70gp
ruby hairpin 1000gp
Toe ring 10gp
Black leather and ruby choker 400gp
8670 gp value
For those of you who added their experience last night you get to add the value of the gems and Jewels which I have just figured out. Experience is based on gp value of gems and jewels. So 8670 + 12095 = 20,765 / 8 (PCs) An additional 2,596 experience points handed out.
You guys can divide up the gems and jewelry how you like keeping what you want and selling the rest.
Vinny's experience total is 4,399 xp.
Don't forget your experience bonuses too.
Oh, and the monsters killed were:
1 Purple Worm
1 Saber-tooth Tiger
1 Tiger
1 Lion
1 Panther
1 Mountain Lion
1 Lynx
1 Mushroom-wight
15,000 cp
5,000 sp
2500 ep
1250 gp
750 pp
Plate +1 (Adessa)
Chain +1 (human)
Leather +1 (Tibag)
+1 shield
+2 Shield (Adessa)
+2 Short Sword (Skwanky?)
+2 Long Sword
+1 Battle Axe
+1 Mace (Adessa)
Gloves of Ogre-power (Adessa)
1 Ring (Gnarly)
1 Giant Cat's Eye Crystal Sphere
Gems & Jewelry
6 @ 1000 gp
3@ 750 gp
4@ 500gp
12,095 gp
diamond tiara 800gp
Large emerald ring 200gp
Gold & Silver with gems headpiece 1500gp
pair of gold nipple rings 50gp
Decorative gold Armlets 600gp
Belly chain 20gp
Broach of aquatic creature 200gp
Amulet of Anu (magical) 1100gp
Silver Celibacy vow ring 20gp
Brooch of emerald beetle 800gp
Giant's cock ring - gold 1000 gp
Necklace 300gp
diamond encrusted nose ring 200gp
pair of silver sandals 400gp
Puzzle ring (magical??? figure the puzzle out) 70gp
ruby hairpin 1000gp
Toe ring 10gp
Black leather and ruby choker 400gp
8670 gp value
For those of you who added their experience last night you get to add the value of the gems and Jewels which I have just figured out. Experience is based on gp value of gems and jewels. So 8670 + 12095 = 20,765 / 8 (PCs) An additional 2,596 experience points handed out.
You guys can divide up the gems and jewelry how you like keeping what you want and selling the rest.
Vinny's experience total is 4,399 xp.
Don't forget your experience bonuses too.
Oh, and the monsters killed were:
1 Purple Worm
1 Saber-tooth Tiger
1 Tiger
1 Lion
1 Panther
1 Mountain Lion
1 Lynx
1 Mushroom-wight
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
An extended cut of "A Night at The Cloven Hoof"
Perhaps something like the following happens one night...
"The four happily sip at their mugs as the belly-dancer's hip shake to the hypnotic rhythms of the south played by her dark skinned companion.
They turn their attention to a sulking brute of a viking sitting at the bar pondering the bottom of his tankard of brew as the burly man explodes
"Cursed Mummies!"
and slams his meaty fist onto the bar, making all the tankards jump and slop a portion of their contents onto the bar, all save for his own.
As many of those at the bar move to safer seating the door slowly creaks open and a tall slender man in purple swirling colored robes worn over a set of sinister looking black plate mail moves cautiously into the taverns hoppy, meat smoked filled depths. The man's glassy eyes roll over those inside and fix upon the sullen northman and moves steadily towards him. With a firm slap to the back he pipes
"Hail Viking!"
as a cloud of Lotus smoke bellows forth.
"How is it we came to be within the same dream? Hmm, friend Wolfheir? Perhpas we are spirit brothers or we have shared Lotus born of the same seed?"
Wolfheir snarls
"Fool Cleric! We're both awake. At the Cloven Hoof!"
The Holy man of Morpheus looks about awkwardly for a moment.
"Aye. You speak truth brother Wolfheir. Let me fill your tankard friend. I know you are still upset with me over the Mummy Rot. While it can be fatal sometimes the best thing is just to forget it ever happened and it just clears up on its own, I shouldn't have reminded you."
The Viking glared at him
"Aye! You think! Those Mithra bandits took me for 800 gold! You owe me!"
he accused with a finger to the face.
"Hmm perhaps..."
Televon said stroking his chin mechanically.
"I shall make good of it, brave Wolfheir."
Televon spun around to face the bar keep, then to Jesse the barmaid, then back to the bar keep and abruptly raised a finger
"BARKEEP! A keg of your most best yet cheapest ale! For LORD MORPHEUS! Requires a baccanal this night!"
and with that the cleric turns to the patrons of the Cloven Hoof
"Hear me Oh dreamers of Caladan! I, Televon humble servant of Lord Morpheus call you! This night I shall share with all, a secret of my cloister. An intoxicant of Lord Morpheus' own devising! Only sent to his most faithful! This night shall we sup upon it and revel in his gossamer embrace! Lord Morpheus' Moon Milk! Chasen thee to the Dreamer's Den at the Moon Tower!!!"
and with that he turns abruptly once more to the viking.
"Brave Wolfheir, please accept my invitation to this most fine of keggers out at the Moon Tower. The druid and I would like to unveil our latest endeavor: Lotus laced Honey Mead! Tis sure to be popular."
and with that he slaps Wolf on the back and spins and strides off kilter out into the night. The viking sighed heavily and looked back to his tankard.
"Fool cleric. Damn Mummies."
from outside he can hear Televon
"Come young Jack. That Keg isn't going to haul itself back to the Moon Tower! Lift with your legs Boy, with your legs!"
and the Viking's scowl held for a moment then broke and a great laugh echoed through the taverns hall.
"The four happily sip at their mugs as the belly-dancer's hip shake to the hypnotic rhythms of the south played by her dark skinned companion.
They turn their attention to a sulking brute of a viking sitting at the bar pondering the bottom of his tankard of brew as the burly man explodes
"Cursed Mummies!"
and slams his meaty fist onto the bar, making all the tankards jump and slop a portion of their contents onto the bar, all save for his own.
As many of those at the bar move to safer seating the door slowly creaks open and a tall slender man in purple swirling colored robes worn over a set of sinister looking black plate mail moves cautiously into the taverns hoppy, meat smoked filled depths. The man's glassy eyes roll over those inside and fix upon the sullen northman and moves steadily towards him. With a firm slap to the back he pipes
"Hail Viking!"
as a cloud of Lotus smoke bellows forth.
"How is it we came to be within the same dream? Hmm, friend Wolfheir? Perhpas we are spirit brothers or we have shared Lotus born of the same seed?"
Wolfheir snarls
"Fool Cleric! We're both awake. At the Cloven Hoof!"
The Holy man of Morpheus looks about awkwardly for a moment.
"Aye. You speak truth brother Wolfheir. Let me fill your tankard friend. I know you are still upset with me over the Mummy Rot. While it can be fatal sometimes the best thing is just to forget it ever happened and it just clears up on its own, I shouldn't have reminded you."
The Viking glared at him
"Aye! You think! Those Mithra bandits took me for 800 gold! You owe me!"
he accused with a finger to the face.
"Hmm perhaps..."
Televon said stroking his chin mechanically.
"I shall make good of it, brave Wolfheir."
Televon spun around to face the bar keep, then to Jesse the barmaid, then back to the bar keep and abruptly raised a finger
"BARKEEP! A keg of your most best yet cheapest ale! For LORD MORPHEUS! Requires a baccanal this night!"
and with that the cleric turns to the patrons of the Cloven Hoof
"Hear me Oh dreamers of Caladan! I, Televon humble servant of Lord Morpheus call you! This night I shall share with all, a secret of my cloister. An intoxicant of Lord Morpheus' own devising! Only sent to his most faithful! This night shall we sup upon it and revel in his gossamer embrace! Lord Morpheus' Moon Milk! Chasen thee to the Dreamer's Den at the Moon Tower!!!"
and with that he turns abruptly once more to the viking.
"Brave Wolfheir, please accept my invitation to this most fine of keggers out at the Moon Tower. The druid and I would like to unveil our latest endeavor: Lotus laced Honey Mead! Tis sure to be popular."
and with that he slaps Wolf on the back and spins and strides off kilter out into the night. The viking sighed heavily and looked back to his tankard.
"Fool cleric. Damn Mummies."
from outside he can hear Televon
"Come young Jack. That Keg isn't going to haul itself back to the Moon Tower! Lift with your legs Boy, with your legs!"
and the Viking's scowl held for a moment then broke and a great laugh echoed through the taverns hall.
Keeping Wolf's ears open...
I sit at my usual stool at the bar.
Drowning my sorrow of paying 800gp to heal that ferocious mummy rot.
I will burn every mummy like thing I see..
Lot's of talk I hear in the Cloven Hoof.
We might be in for some trouble if the town thinks we are causing problems.
I think the barge would have been a better idea. I like the water.
Drowning my sorrow of paying 800gp to heal that ferocious mummy rot.
I will burn every mummy like thing I see..
Lot's of talk I hear in the Cloven Hoof.
We might be in for some trouble if the town thinks we are causing problems.
I think the barge would have been a better idea. I like the water.
Previous 4 Week Expenses
Construction of the Moon Tower: 1500gp
Henchmen & Hirelings
3 Guards at 10gp/week each: 120gp
Profia: 2pg/day: 56gp
Food & Rations (5 NPCs, 8PCs)
Working Class Meals: (5% sickness/week)(your choice)
Common Meals:(your choice)
Henchmen & Hirelings
3 Guards at 10gp/week each: 120gp
Profia: 2pg/day: 56gp
Food & Rations (5 NPCs, 8PCs)
Working Class Meals: (5% sickness/week)(your choice)
- Average = 21sp/week/person
- Good 7gp/week/person
Common Meals:(your choice)
- Average: 35sp/week/person
- Good 15gp/week/person
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Architects Rendering of 'The Moon Tower'
An early rendition of a possible Tower of Zenepus with major updates and revisions creating The Moon Tower. Complete with 4 levels, including Sacrificial Altar/Bachelor Pad, Thieves Den, Viking Drinking Hall and Lotus laced Dreamer's Den. The Moon Symbols would point towards the city of Caladan.
One Night At The Cloven Hoof
The dancing girl made her way around the tables picking up a few silver coins from various onlookers and barflies.
In one corner of the tavern were gathered together some of the dock workers chatting over their ale.
"So's I hear that ol' Zenopus' tower 'as a new residents." Says one.
"Aye, 'des call 'demselves Arvin's Avengers." Says the other finishing up his flagon.
"Arvin's Avengers? 'ho's Arvin?" a third says.
"Dunno," says the first. "Musta been a friend o'theirs an' 'des avengin' 'im. 'Dems dat group o' mercenaries wots been sneakin' around that blasted tower."
"Dats dem?" says the second.
"Aye", replies the first.
"Down on the docks we's 'eard that they's been in-n-out o'the basements o'dat tower. Pulling up gold and things they are, so's I 'ear." adds a fourth waving down Jesse the barmaid.
"Gold ya say?" questions the first. "An we's 'ere workin' our fingers ta th' bones on th' docks fer a bunch o'greedy merchants! Wot's th' (merchant) Guild says 'bout dem?"
"Not a word." replies the fourth.
"Wot! Dems not paying no taxes?" the first says.
"Mayhaps 'des workin' fer da' guild?" the second chimes in.
"Dunno." says the fourth as Jesse steps up with their ale. "Hey, las, wot knows you on dem folks up at the tower?"
"They's regulars 'ere. Matter o'fact, they just hired three o'me customers just the other day. Hired them as Men-at-arms they did. The coin was good too from wot I 'eard." Taking the few coins handed to her, Jesse walks away. "Theys callin' it the Moon Tower."
"Th' Moon Tower?" says the third. "Wots a Moon-tower".
"I heard des' got wit 'dem some wizard, you know, dat skinny guy wot walks wit a limp".
"Well, no good can come of it, I says" says the second.
"But des' bringin' up gold." says the fourth slightly distracted as the dancing girl approaches.
"Aye...'dat...they are..."says the first as he tosses a copper at the scantily clad performer.
The four happily sip at their mugs as the belly-dancer's hip shake to the hypnotic rhythms of the south played by her dark skinned companion.
In one corner of the tavern were gathered together some of the dock workers chatting over their ale.
"So's I hear that ol' Zenopus' tower 'as a new residents." Says one.
"Aye, 'des call 'demselves Arvin's Avengers." Says the other finishing up his flagon.
"Arvin's Avengers? 'ho's Arvin?" a third says.
"Dunno," says the first. "Musta been a friend o'theirs an' 'des avengin' 'im. 'Dems dat group o' mercenaries wots been sneakin' around that blasted tower."
"Dats dem?" says the second.
"Aye", replies the first.
"Down on the docks we's 'eard that they's been in-n-out o'the basements o'dat tower. Pulling up gold and things they are, so's I 'ear." adds a fourth waving down Jesse the barmaid.
"Gold ya say?" questions the first. "An we's 'ere workin' our fingers ta th' bones on th' docks fer a bunch o'greedy merchants! Wot's th' (merchant) Guild says 'bout dem?"
"Not a word." replies the fourth.
"Wot! Dems not paying no taxes?" the first says.
"Mayhaps 'des workin' fer da' guild?" the second chimes in.
"Dunno." says the fourth as Jesse steps up with their ale. "Hey, las, wot knows you on dem folks up at the tower?"
"They's regulars 'ere. Matter o'fact, they just hired three o'me customers just the other day. Hired them as Men-at-arms they did. The coin was good too from wot I 'eard." Taking the few coins handed to her, Jesse walks away. "Theys callin' it the Moon Tower."
"Th' Moon Tower?" says the third. "Wots a Moon-tower".
"I heard des' got wit 'dem some wizard, you know, dat skinny guy wot walks wit a limp".
"Well, no good can come of it, I says" says the second.
"But des' bringin' up gold." says the fourth slightly distracted as the dancing girl approaches.
"Aye...'dat...they are..."says the first as he tosses a copper at the scantily clad performer.
The four happily sip at their mugs as the belly-dancer's hip shake to the hypnotic rhythms of the south played by her dark skinned companion.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Vinny: Bachelor Pad
My comrades-in-arms have decided to take over the tower. We've hired dozens of carpenters (without even getting an estimate from the contractor—foolish!) and begun furnishing a new floor. I'm to be given a section of the basement as a sort of apprentice's lab. I appreciate the gesture, but I can't help lamenting the move for a different reason. This "Moon Tower" should instead be known as the "Blue Moon Tower," since it's bound to be a blue moon before we get any ladies in the damned place, and that means blue... well, other things.
Talk about your bachelor pads! The spiders are the size of my fist. We'll be burning sage for a month before we make a dent in the musty smell (especially in my basement) and I don't know how we'll ever get the bloodstains out of the floor. Now I understand why that evil wizard spent so much on rugs. I wonder if this is his revenge? That's the worst part about death-curses. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Talk about your bachelor pads! The spiders are the size of my fist. We'll be burning sage for a month before we make a dent in the musty smell (especially in my basement) and I don't know how we'll ever get the bloodstains out of the floor. Now I understand why that evil wizard spent so much on rugs. I wonder if this is his revenge? That's the worst part about death-curses. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Building of the Moon-Tower
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