Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Session Summary

Month of the Ox
Day 7: Explored the underground caves

Monsters Killed

  • 1 Bugbear (60)
  • 2 Lava Lizards (480)
  • 6 Piranha Birds (720)
  • 12 Stirges (180)
  • 138pp
  • 120gp
  • Silver pitcher and 6 Goblets (200gp)
  • Jewelled Necklace (400gp)
  • Bejewelled dagger (100gp)
  • Gold serving Tray (300gp)
  • 1 bottle of poison (Gnarly)
  • 2 healing potions (Gnarly)
  • +1 Sword (Swanky)
  • +1 Plate Mail (Arg)
  • ring of fire resistance (Televon)


Monday, December 3, 2012

Tonight's Background

Still trapped in the caves beneath the Hobgoblin King's underground palace your party explores the tunnels looking for a way out.  Having entered a larger cavern with what appears to be a steam-vent in the back and a large Lava Lizard before it, you are attacked by a swarm of Steam Weavels!

Map of explored areas.....

Other Notes:

Currently you are carrying about 1400 coins of the treasures that you have picked up along the way.  That would be 140 pounds of weight that would have to be distributed amongst the party.

Get your d20's warmed up, you'll need them!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Session Stats

Month of the Ox
Day 7: Explored the underground caves

Monsters Killed

  • 5 Beserkers (150)
  • 1 Owlbear (240)
  • 3 Giant Shrews (111)
  • 1 Gelatinous Cube (240)
  • 12pp
  • 57gp
  • 219sp
Total amount of coins carried equals 1400 coins with a weight of 140 lbs


Friday, November 2, 2012

New Rule: Ghouls

Since we made some changes on how ghouls paralyze foes, I thought I'd balance that out a bit.

Ghouls get 3 attacks per round, the infamous claw, claw, bite.

Claw attacks do not cause paralysis, only bites do.  But also, bites have a 5% chance of passing a disease onto the player which will kill them in 1d4 days turning them into ghouls unless a cure disease spell is cast.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Session Stats

Month of the Ox
Day 6: Killed rest of hobgoblins then fell in pit

Monsters Killed

  • 2 Bugbears (240)
  • 3 Hobgoblins (45)
  • 2 Berserkers (60)
  • 4 Ghouls (240)
  • 183gp
  • 37ep
  • 230sp
  • 23pp
  • 200cp
  • two woolen cloaks
  • 2 swords
  • Jeweled Necklace (800gp)
  • Jeweled Necklace (100gp) (ghoul garbage)
  • Good wine
  • +1 Leather Armor (Gnarly)
  • battered and corroded sword
  • +1 Ring of Protection (Arg)


Monday, October 29, 2012

Tonight's Background

With the hobgoblin king defeated in his throne room (along with the emissary of the Black Sun), his guards begin to retreat.  A viking, blind with rage and with most of his hair and beard burned away, pursue the retreating enemies...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Session Stats

Month of the Ox
Day 6: Killed the Hobgoblin King

Monsters Killed
  • 6 Goblins (60xp)
  • 16 Hobgoblins (240xp)
  • 2 Bugbears (120)
  • 2 Hobgoblin King Guards (60xp)
  • Hobgoblin King (120xp)
  • Steve of the Black Sun (60xp)
Looted upstairs
  • 44gp
  • 104sp
  • 2 keys, 1 opened door to stairs
Throne room looted dead
  • 54gp
  • 33ep
  • 83sp
  • Keyring with 3 keys one of which will open one of the doors in the throne room.
  • Keyring with 3 keys on the belt of Steve of the Black Sun
  • +1 shield (Skwanky)
  • +1 spear (dunno who has this one)
  • Ring from hobgoblin king


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rule Updates: Combat

  1. Initiative: 1d6 rolled by each side
  2. Winner of initiative acts first. Morale checks made for monster.
  3. Movement (order of DEX)
  4. Missile attack (order of DEX)
  5. Spells are cast (order of DEX)
  6. Melee (order of DEX)
  7. Other side acts from 3-6
  8. New round begins with initiative
  • A character may move 1/2 their movement rate and attack in melee
  • A character may move 1/2 their movement rate and make one attack with missile
  • A character moving their full movement rate cannot attack with missile or melee unless charging
  • No movement is allowed when casting spells
  • unless attacker stops movement with the first 5' of encountering opponent's front or flank, opponent gains Attack of Opportunity 
  • Full movement and melee is allowed if movement is greater than half rate and in a straight line.
  • Defender gains Attack of Opportunity
  • Attacker does double damage
  • Fighting Retreat allows a character to move backwards at 1/2 movement without penalty providing a clear path
  • Full Retreat a character can move backwards at full movement but incurs an Attack of Opportunity without use of shield and opponent gains +2 to hit.
As mentioned above AOO occur in only three instances;
  1. defending against a charge 
  2. attacking an opponent in Full Retreat
  3. an opponent passing within 5' of character
 There are no other Attacks of Opportunity.

Flanking:  Having opponents positioned to the left and right of a target are considered in flanking position and gain +1 to hit and negates benefit from target's shield'

Attack from Behind: Rear position grants a +2 to hit and negates any benefit from target's shield

Drawing Weapons: You can draw a weapon and attack the same round but at a -1 to hit penalty

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tonight's Background

Having battled and decimated a camp of hobgoblins and freed a prisoner, Throckmorton, a priest of the chaotic god Khalk'Ru the Destroyer, the party continued through the woods. At dusk they discovered some very ancient ruins smothered in the overgrowth and spent the night hidden amongst the rubble.  In the morning they explored some doors and rooms of the ruins coming upon a pristine and peaceful open air garden containing a large pool and a magic fountain...

We'll divide up experience first thing as this garden can be considered a safe haven.

1 Stirge 15xp
1 Hobgoblin 15xp
1 Captured Hobgoblin 15xp
Giant Chameleon 120xp
165 xp

12 Hobgoblins 180xp
8 Centipedes 40xp
10 Giant Rats  50xp
(270 xp)

3 gems; 60gp, 40gp 30gp
12 sp
2 pp
(248xp treasure split)

+2 arrow (Wolf)

Arg's 20 Strength modifiers:

To Hit: +3
Damage: +4
Open Doors: 1-5
Carry Modifier:  100lbs

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Session Stats

Month of the Ox
5th:  Battle at Hobgoblin camp, discovery of ruins, Rain
6th:  Explore Ruins, discover pleasant open garden with magic fountain
Now 7am

12 Hobgoblins 180xp
8 Centipedes 40xp
10 Giant Rats  50xp
(270 xp)

3 gems; 60gp, 40gp 30gp
12 sp
2 pp
(248xp treasure split)

+2 arrow (Wolf)


Monday, September 24, 2012

Tonight's Background

After capturing a patrolling Hobgoblin, Arg 'gently' persuades some pertinent information from him about the whereabouts of the Goblin King. With the afternoon spring rain coming down in the thick forested Howling Hills and the path to the ruined monastery and the entrance to the Hobgoblin king's domain blocked by a camp of Hobgoblins there is nothing else to do but sharpen your blades - for blood will spill this day!

The map of the clearing is below...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Last Session Stat Summaries

Month of the Ox
3rd  Travel to Blackmoor, dinner w/ Baron Blackmoor
4th: Half day in town getting supplies, cross country travel to woods.  Camp in woods. Rain
5th:  Journey through woods, Rain


1 Stirge 15xp
1 Hobgoblin 15xp
1 Captured Hobgoblin 15xp
Giant Chameleon 120xp

Map of Forest explored:

Some of the peaks displayed are because of Tuk's flight.

It is now mid-day (around 2pm)

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Experience Rule

From now on PCs will receive full monster experience for monsters killed instead of splitting them between the party.

Example:  5 ghouls = 300xp.  Instead of a party of 5 PC getting 60xp each, each character involved gets the full 300xp.

Treasure experience points based on Gold Piece value will still be divided between party members as per standard rules.

Example:  2,000 gp = 2,000 xp divided equally to party.



Total population:503

Total guard:3

In addition, 6 clergy tend to the spiritual needs of the Village.

Services in this Village
Taverns / Inn:1  The Hacky Shack

* - Magic Shops typically sell components, scroll paper, and such minor items - no "off the shelf" wands, staves, etc!

Of interest:

1: The Hacky Shack
2: Ferry
3: Boomish Manor
4: Blackmoor Garrison
5: Temple of Mithra
6: Town Square
7: Fountain of Mirthra

Currently the town is filled with Blackmoor's troops.

Tonight's Background

Resting for the evening at the Hacky Shack, a friendly tavern in the town of Berkenstoke, Arvin's Avenger overhear the cynical one year anniversary celebration of the appearance and subsequent disappearance of Fumark The Foul as he and his band of soldiers were in search of the unguarded treasure of Medora the dragon.  They have not been heard from again since they had passed through Berkenstoke exactly one year ago.  Apparently, the 'unguarded' treasure wasn't so unguarded after all!  The last to see them alive was Abner the ferryman who ferried the band across the Blackmoor River and into the Howling Hills.

But the night wanes on and Sgt Lucius of Blackmoor stationed in Berkenstoke will escort Arvin's Avengers to Blackmoor early the next morning.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


5 Ghouls 300 xp each

Campaign Calendar

Year: 14148
Month of the Wolf
23rd: Death of Morak
26th:  Assault on Moontower
27th-28th: Camp at Gnarly's cave

Month of the Ox
1st:  Meeting with the nomads of Harrowood
2nd:  Town of Berkenstok

Monday, August 20, 2012

Explored Areas

0104 (east) - Old Rebel Camp
0404 (east) - Morrison's Camp
0705 (west) - Tomb of the Iron God
0806 (west) - Brakken
0104 - The Pig Witch's pig farm
0202 - Ruins of ancient burial site
0203 - Tribe of Nomads
0303 - Mysterious Pit
0305 - Giant Ant Lair
0308 - The Three Sisters of the Sea
0403 - Temple of Ris'Tari (Crimson Skull adventure)
0402 - Mysterious Maiden in Slumber
0503 - Gnarly's Cave
0504 - Occupied Cabin
0604 - Ruined Hamlet with Cave Entrance
0701 - Town Farrian
0703 - Fey
0804 - White mist ???
0906 - Caladan
0907 - The Moon Tower

These are the currently explored areas of Eri'an.  Gnarly spent the past six months exploring Harrowood and knows quite a bit of what is there and going on.

Tonight's Background

With the death of Morak at the hand of Gnarly Blunderbrush the murder of Arvin Ardmore of the Temple of Mithra had been avenged. However, vengeance came at a price! 

Slick Vinny went head to head with Zenopus the Vampire and was drained of blood and taken away by the alluring undead creature.  It is not known whether he be dead or a blood sucking creature under the influence of Zenopus.

Gnarly, pursued by Morak's guards, leaped off the terrace and into the sea below.  He had lost consciousness and drifted helplessly, watched over by Tuk the owl. The next day he washed up on shore and made his way back to the Moon-tower.

Argh and Swanky, who were locked within the dungeons beneath the old Merchant Guild were soon rescued by Lemunda accompanied by her bewildered father Osric and her servant Oslo.  When they heard about Morak's death she took the opportunity to escape with her father.  She lead the Halfling and Half-orc through the twisting tunnels beneath the castle to a small boat that lead to the ocean.  They paddled out the tunnel and towards the shore near the Moon-tower.

The work of Morak's death traveled fast.  Lord Blackmoore took the opportunity to gain the upper-hand and lead an offensive against Kushanna's troops north of Harrowood.

With the power vacuum left behind, the Stygian Zadir is attempting to take control of the city.  Using his dark magic and Morak's second in command, Utasu, Zadir hopes to strike back quickly against the Moon-tower and bring the city back under his control.

Three days have since past since the fall of Morak.
Zadir has put a king's ransom on the heads of Arvin's Avengers.
The forest around the tower are filled with archers making leaving the tower is a deadly proposition.
Essentially trapped within the tower, you realize that a full scale assault is on the horizon.

Experience Points For Last Session

For the death of Morak 1,000 exp apiece.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Return To Caladan

The Return To Caladan

The following events transpired after Arvin's Avengers returned from being hopelessly lost in the dungeons beneath the Moon Tower

  • Caladan has fallen to Empress Kushanna allied with the Pirates of the Blue Rose.
  • Morak is installed as ruler.
  • Gnarly creates a defense of thorny brambles around the Moon Tower
  • The Avengers ally with “The Watchmen”, former watch-members of Caladan and opposed to Morak's rule.
  • Battled with an army of undead lead by Father Halford of the Black Sun.  The Watchmen are all killed.
  • Halford and his army are defeated.
  • Capture of the Crimson Skull of Yam Gregak from Halford, now in Vinny's hands.
  • It was found that Halford was working with Zenopus.
  • Exploration of Halford's Black Sun Temple (beneath a cabin in the woods).
  • Black Sun temple followers all killed.
  • Black Crown stolen from temple.
  • Halford is killed by Argg and Skwanky in the pit of the Hydra.
  • Captured travelers and townsfolk are rescued from the Temple of the Black Sun.

Skwanky has gauntlets of ogre strength
Vinny has the Skull of Yam Gregak
Televon has the iron crown

Six months have passed since the fall of the Temple of the Black Sun.  In that time, Lord Morak's rule has become more solidified within Caladan  Any small uprising against Morak was quickly and violently put to rest.  Overall, his rule isn't overly cruel and the town slowly returns to it's regular prosperity but he does have other things on his mind...

But talk of the defeat of the undead army that has been harassing travelers on the road south of Caladan gives the citizens something to debate, discuss and sing about.  Arvin's Avengers are initially looked upon as heroes. Traders and gypsies gather around the tower to sell their wares.  But that is short lived, however, as the murder of a number of traders, their blood drained, raise the superstitions about the mysterious tower once again and the mysterious Lady in White.  Not to mention the numerous Mushroom-men roaming the grounds.  The tower and it's heroic inhabitants are once again shunned.

To protect her father's life, Lemunda agreed to wed Morak.  Osric still lives within the grounds of the former Merchant Guild but is a broken man. 

Kushanna's troops move through the city and gather in the plains north of the Iron Hills and Harrowood.  Arvin's Avengers receive word via Tuk the Owl that small skirmishes have taken place between Kushanna's and Blackmoor's troops.  It is felt that the siege of Blackmoor will begin soon.

A letter is received by the occupants of the Moontower attached to the foot of a Raven.  It reads:


Signed with what can only be considered the stamp of Morak.